Saturday, July 2, 2011

First trip to the ER

We have officially had our first trip to the ER. :(
Big bummer, but good experience to have under my belt for the future I suppose.
Luckily for me, we are in WA visiting my parents, so I wasn't alone with two little kids freaking out because I didn't know what to do. My mom was here with me and knew exactly how to handle things. I was able to stay calm, but I wouldn't have been stuck in a calm sort of shock not knowing what steps to take if she hadn't been here!
Braden was joyfully running towards the kitchen, stumbled and went falling head first right into the corner of a wall. It split his little forehead open right to the bone. I don't know that I will ever get that image out of my head.
Sadly this happened the day Justin went up to Mt. Rainier with his brother Zach to climb to Camp Muir. Of all the days. I was sitting there thinking over and over in my head, "Where is your father for this?!!!! Of all the days for him to be gone! This is his thing! He's all trained and prepared for this very moment!" :) He felt really bad that he wasn't around to help too.
So, as you can see in the picture above, Braden got his first set of stitches (I would bet that it won't be his last). 9 to be exact. The nurses in the hospital were so nice and found a stuffed moose for Braden to hold and keep. It was pretty tough going putting them in (it took 4 of us to hold him down while the dr put them in - he is one strong little boy), but overall he was a brave little champ.
Today he got his stitches out at Dr. Brett's house (a really nice guy in my parent's ward), who also happens to have chickens, dogs and cats! Pulling the stitches out wasn't much more fun than putting them in, but he got to feed the chickens afterwards which he thought was awesome!!!