Friday, June 22, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me :)

 A Jessica, Laurel and I went to the Cape Charles for my birthday! It was relaxing, fun and just the break I needed. Cape Charles is a tiny little town on the Eastern Shore. You cross the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel (17miles of bridge and tunnel (the road tunnels down under the water a few times and then comes back up) with Chesapeake Bay on the one side and the Atlantic Ocean on the other - so amazing!) Our charming little bed and breakfast had a piano - and we all sing and play - so we sat singing songs from musicals and classics for an hour. It couldn't have been more perfect!
Part of my desire to go centered around being away to a new place, and sleeping in and relaxing in the morning...sadly our room was very bright, and no matter how hard I tried to sleep, I was up at 6:30am...Braden has me trained well...sigh. But, I did get to go for a morning run, barefoot on the beach, so that helped make up for it! :) We lounged on the porch, enjoyed our cute little 70-yr-old couple that ran the B&B, shopped in little gift shops, watched kite-boarders wow us with cool moves at the beach, and just relaxed, talked, and had a great time!


Rachel said...

Happy Late birthday! I'm so jealous. I wish I had good friends like that and a chance to relax. What a blessing you all are to each other. That sounds so nice!

Jamie Younker said...

WOW! What a trip! I have never been to a B&B, but it sounds absolutely picturesque. (Especially seeing as it was run by a 70 year old couple. Darling!) I totally wish I could have been there to sing with you guys around the piano- I haven't done that in ages. Sounds like a blast! Remember when we used to "perform" to the world through the window in your front room? Oh Karaoke how I love thee.:)

Glad you had a good birthday! You deserve it!