Sunday, January 31, 2010

Reading Time

Braden loves his room and is really into sitting on chairs these days. He thinks he so cool sitting in his rocking chair all by himself! It is really cute.

He loves this little puppy - he's had it since he was a few months old and always has it to sleep with.
And also in his room is his chair. It has been just sitting in his room since he was born waiting for him to be old enough to sit on it. He can't get up on it by himself yet, but he really loves it. He points to it, and bounces up and down saying "puh puh" (that is his "up, he just has it backwards, haha!). Then after I set him up there he points at his books and, after I give him one, he sits there and looks at it.

I'm so glad our little guy likes to read!


Amanda said...

That is so great! Kambria still tries to eat books instead of look at them. Isn't it crazy how fast they grow!? Braden is such a cute :)

The Rigbys said...

He is adorable! That is so fun and cute that he likes to sit on a chair and read! It's good you've taken pictures of him.