I can't believe it, but Braden is 6 months old! These are some of my favorite pictures of him. He gets more fun by the day and is so amazing! He love to laugh and play games with us all, most of all peek-a-boo. He already is really good at making a machine gun sound, and says da-da-da all the time. (He used to say ma-ma-ma, but then da-da took over and we haven't heard it since! I'm excited to hear it come back!) He is a good little sleeper, loves to be outside, is curious about everything, loves to stand and walk with his hands held and has zero fear of falling. Anytime he sees something he wants he dives for it. It makes him hard to hold, but a lot of fun. If he's standing and holding onto one of our hands, he simply lets go to reach down for what he wants. I think we may have a little daredevil on our hands...well I guess actually that would make two of them counting Justin. :)
Anyway, we love our little guy, that's for sure! And he's got us all wrapped around his little finger!