Sunday, September 21, 2008

Forget...that's what I do these days!

Okay, so I know that one of the things that comes along with being pregnant is losing a few brain cells and being more forgetful, but it is getting a little bit ridiculous! For work, I make my own schedule and plan out my own visits to client's houses, coordinate co-visits with other co-workers, etc. So it is somewhat important that I am able to remember things long enough to write them down. Justin and my co-workers have been great at not making me feel too dumb when I drop the ball, or have to ask them five times when we just scheduled to see which little kiddo. But, I'm afraid the forgetfulness is crossing over into other areas of life. For example, I sometimes forget that I'm pregnant...I think this is the epitomy of my forgetfullness. I know, I know, how in the world does one forget that she is pregnant? I mean, I feel the little guy moving all day long, I have this ever-growing belly...I don't really know how it happens either. The other day, for example, I was walking in a parking lot. There were a lot of cars in the parking lot, but not a lot of people. Some car a little ways away honked and whistled at someone. I had my back to them, so I didn't see who they were honking at, but I had on a new pair of jeans, a new shirt and some really cute shoes and was feeling quite good about myself, and the thought crossed my mind "I wonder if they were honking at me?" I then looked down and saw my stomach sticking out. The next thought was "Good grief, Elise, you are 6 1/2 months pregnant! Remember?! No one is honking at you." I just started laughing at myself. It was pretty ridiculous and hilarious.


Anonymous said...

ah yes. The curse of babybrain! When I was pregnant with Finlee I could not do math to save my life. I remember trying to write 1,100 one day. I had no idea how many 1's and 0's there were and where they went. And where the comma needed to be placed... confusing!

It does all seem to come back after the little ones arrive!

And... they probably were honking at you. You are one smokin' hot pregnant woman!

Taryn said...

Elise you are too cute. I am sure they were honkin at you! HOw is the medical school process going? Remember there is always a place to stay in Ohio if you need one!

Linds said...

You make me smile:)On the bright side, at least you have an excuse for being forgetful.

k myers said...

That is so funny! You are still look good, so don't discount yourself too much...they may have been honking at you!!! Don't worry about being's cool, milk it for all it's worth! In 3 months you won't have as easy of a time coming up with an excuse....

Jamie Younker said...


I understand. Deeply completely and truly.
