Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fun New Friends

Braden has found a fun new friend! Her name is Ainsley. She is in our ward, just a few months older than Braden and I watch her occasionally, which Braden loves!
It is so fun to see him play with other little kids and start to get into that more social stage where he really gets excited to play with other kids.
Ainsley is particularly a great playmate because she is not too intense - she's pretty relaxed and happy. :) Braden likes to play, but he likes to have his space too, and it usually takes him a while to warm up. He can be pretty shy. But he and Ainsley are great little buds and just entertain each other and laugh so hard together it is hilarious! I love it. I get so much done when she's here too, because Braden has someone else to play with and keep his attention! It's a win-win situation all the way around and I really love that he has a sweet little best friend!
Just so cute!
And you can see from the picture above that Ainsley lacks no fear in trying anything Braden does. :) He started climbing up the TV and she was barely a step behind him. He seemed to think it was great that he had a little friend around to be a monkey with him!