While we were in Utah we stayed with my sis for most of the trip. It was a blast to spend time with her and her cute family. Braden loved the entertainment and attention of my niece and nephew, Katie and Andrew.
We all carved pumpkins together, Braden kept trying to eat the guts, and then would spit them out with a disgusted look on his face, try to eat them again, and, again, spit them out with an even more disgusted look. I think he probably did it 15 times. I think he thought that something that weird had to be tasted, even if it was gross. :)

Me, my bro-in-law Scott, and their friends Mik and Nikki

The finished result of the pumpkins!

My friend Jaci made this great beanie for Braden! Isn't it so cute?! I love it! She is amazingly talented. If you are in need of a cute baby beanie or hat, she has just started up a website:
They are so great! She makes some really cute little girl ones, too, that I am going to have to invest in when we have a girl someday!

Mom and Ang and I whipped up some scary treats for Halloween night. It was a lot of fun and way more creative than I usually am! I think I'm going to try to make that a new tradition for us.

Braden was a cute little pumpkin and had a fun time on Halloween. We got cold a little early though, so we had to go back before everyone else. He still got some great treats to share with us though. And to his delight, he got a new toothbrush! There is a dentist that lives nearby Ang and Scott and he gives out popcorn and toothbrushes for Halloween. Braden was thrilled because he loves playing with toothbrushes. Thank you Dr. Theurer!

My bro Brian is an awesome uncle and decided to dress up with Andrew as a jedi. Don't they look sweet?! I was pretty impressed with their costumes.

And Katie was the cutest little monkey I've ever seen!

Me and my pumpkin!

Melanie and Katie getting ready to go trick or treating

Braden and Andrew had hours of fun together. Braden thought Andrew was hilarious and Andrew was so cute and loved to give Braden hugs and tell him he was his best friend.

Little Katie loves her thumb. She was a great little helper in taking care of Braden. She would also tell Braden that he was her best friend, which is amazingly cute coming from a 2 year old!

Thanks Ang and Scott for letting us move in for a few weeks! We miss you guys!

Ang and I both got haircuts while we were together and could watch each others kids. It was great for both of us. I love getting my hair cut and Ang's turned out so cute! I love it.

the "Sassy Sisters" look

We also got to visit my Grandma and Grandpa Neilson while we were there. They are so sweet and we love them to death.

I don't have many pictures of our visits with friends, but we really got to see a lot of people while we were there in Logan. So thanks to everyone who took the time to see us! Thanks also to Dan and Dana for picking us up from the airport and letting us invade for a little bit! We really miss everyone so much! We have the best family and friends in the world! LOVE YOU ALL!!!