Saturday, January 31, 2009


It seems that our little Braden thinks he is older than he is. He rolled over from his stomach to his back at 3 weeks, but it was a complete accident. We just assumed it was a fluke. Then, at 6 weeks old, he did it again! 3 times! We caught the last one on camera, so I thought I'd share. We always knew he was a strong little boy from birth, holding his head really well, but this is a little bit crazy to us. He also started smiling a few weeks ago andit is the cutest thing! We love it!


The Rigbys said...

He is so darling! Oh cute!

Ellis said...

I'm impressed! Genevieve still doesn't roll over (and I don't think she will anytime soon either!) He is so handsome!

k myers said...

I love it!! He is SUPER KID and so cute on the video, but cuter in person~thanks for coming over last night, it was so fun to see you all!!!

Jamie Younker said...

I'm so in love with this little boy and I've never even seen him in person. He's just so cute! And SO STRONG! Addie didn't roll over until she was about 4 months old! Way to go Braden!