So...I haven't a REALLY long here are a boat-load of pics for those of you (ahem, grandparents) who have been missing your cute little boys on the other side of the country!!! :)
(sorry not all of them loaded right, but with that many pictures I wasn't about to fuss over the ones that didn't load!)
What have we been up to? Well, a month in WA, then a month home, then a month in UT, another month home, then a week in UT (for my brother's wedding!!! Yay!!!), and now home...whew!
A brief update on us all:
Justin - well into his third (and craziest) year of med school. He's doing great, loves surgery, and is sad that for the rest of the year he will not get to be in the OR anymore! He is working hard to become one amazing dr. He's a blood and guts kind of guy and is pretty certain that some kind of surgery is what he wants to end up doing.
Me: I am trying to make life slow down a bit! I am now a self-proclaimed expert at flying across the country by myself with two little boys. :) I have done it 5 times in the last few months and I can tell you some people are just angels in disguise!!! One sweet little angel was a sweet grandma from the middle-east who didn't even speak English - but she had a mother's heart and seemed to know everything I needed and somehow managed to tell me without saying one word of English. I fell in love with her. :)
I just got released as the YW president, so hopefully that will help with the life slowing down stuff!
To all my friends and family I got to see, Thank you so much!!! To those I didn't, I'm so sorry and sad and hopefully I will get to see you again next time!!!!
Braden: Has been loving all these airplanes and that is pretty much all he pretends about these days! "Mommy, come get on the airplane with me. We're flying on the airplane!!!"
He loves to sing all the time right now. My personal favorite is the Farmer and the Dale
"The farmer and the dale, the farmer and the dale, Fi Fo Fummy, the farmer and the dale!"
(a perfect blend of farmer's dale and mickey and the is so funny and cute!)
Braden somehow has this amazing imagination and we are always running away from the "tend" (pretend) dragon or monster, taking rides in the car with his "tend" friends or making up some fun story
Cameron: Is 6 months old!!! So crazy! He is a sweet little baby who is learning all sorts of fun tricks and is now mobile! He gets around all over the place and is pretty content as long as there are people around him. He hates to be alone - must get that from me and Braden...
He loves to be held most all the time. Doesn't quite love food like I thought he would, but he tolerates it. :) He sits up for a little bit, stands at the couch for a little bit, tries with all his might to crawl, but can't quite figure out the arms, so ends up scooting everywhere and is just so cute and fun!
Braden made him into a "flower"
This is what happens when I go to the bathroom and Braden and cousin Katie are with Cameron
Braden and new Aunt Amy!!!
Justin and I go to escape to a hockey game. It was so much fun!!! |
Braden decided one morning while I was asleep that he was going to dump out lots of things...namely two bags of flour, a bag of sugar, a box of cereal and a bag of cornmeal. (everything else had a clip on it that he couldn't get off) Needless to say I was aghast when I walked into the kitchen that morning!!!! It was quite the event. One that hopefully will never happen again...
Just like Grandpa Peterson!! (Braden's words when he got in) |
Fun at the Hunt Club farm!!!
Cam is a little thumb sucker. :) It is the cutest thing
Braden with his pumpkin (he hates taking pictures most of the time and this time just refused. :)
Justin's pumpkin with stitches...
Brotherly lovin' play time!!! |
Curious George, the Man in the Yellow Hat, and a little bumblebee!
Perfecting his Downward Dog yoga move |
And Upward Dog |
Snow in UT!!! |