Well, I've been tagged. So I'm supposed to write 10 interesting things about me...yikes:
1. Justin and I are addicted to a TV show called The Office. We are Office junkies. It's quite sad. It makes us laugh SO hard!
2. I can't stand to cook if the kitchen is messy (which it almost always is). It drives me nuts.
3. Justin laughs at this, but in my head all the items (mail, tools, papers, books, phone chargers, keys, phones, backpack/purses, shoes, etc.) in the house need to have a "home". And if I can't seem to find it a good home, I'll go to the store and buy something that will help me feel like it has it’s little home and it's organized in it’s little place and not just sitting out somewhere.
4. I love ice cream. And chocolate. They are some of my favorite things. In fact, I am sitting here eating some ice cream while I'm writing this. :)
5. I'm not very good at dealing with being emotional. I never seem to know what to do with myself. (One of the reasons I'm eating ice cream right now.) And this whole being pregnant thing has brought my emotional self to a whole new level. Help!
6. I love Justin's motorcycle (We got a motorcycle this last spring so Justin would have something to drive this summer). Who would have pictured me being married to someone who owned a motorcycle? And loving it! Not me for sure, but for my birthday, I asked him for a bright red motorcycle helmet. It didn't end up working out, but maybe next year...
7. My ears aren't huge, but they stick out like an elf. Multiple times in high school I was told that I looked like one of the elves on the Lord of the Rings movies.
8. I eat a lot. Really, I mean a lot.
9. I love to run by myself in secluded nature areas. I always feel like the birds singing are cheering me on. It just makes me smile.
10. Justin and I love playing tennis. We go play at night at the Logan high school courts at night and turn on the big lights and it makes us feel like we are at Wimbledon.
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