Well, we have decided to join the world of blogging! Wow. We are anxiously waiting for spring and getting ready to move. We've been house-sitting (and getting ridiculously spoiled) for a family in Smithfield, UT. They are coming back soon and we are quickly realizing that we've now turned into apartment snobs and we've only been married for 2 years...bad news. Currently we're working on trying to mesh what our budget expects with our lofty expectations of what an apartment should have. Wish us luck. I don't think it's going to be pretty.
Here are some of the latest pictures of us in Florida. We had a great trip to Florida with the Peterson's (thanks Mom and Dad Peterson!) and Dale saved us with his camera because we forgot ours. Disneyworld was crazy with people, and we somehow got separated and lost everyone at 1:30 am, but fun nonetheless and nothing can beat the beach on a warm sunny day. I really enjoyed that Dale captured the picture of the little wave smacking Justin right in the face! The adorable little girl that we just can't get enough of is our little niece Addie. She is only one, but she knows how to just flash that sweet smile and get you to melt.
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